Meaning of Slogan
Along with the advancement of science, technology and technology in the field of Pharmaceuticals, the demand for health care products derived from nature has become a common trend of many countries around the world as well as Vietnam. . Aiming towards nature to take care of public health and wishing to bring nature closer to the lives of every Vietnamese, a country with rich and diverse flora and fauna, SAGOPHA, from the very beginning established, has determined that drugs from herbs (also known as herbs) are always effective, safe and indispensable health protection measures.
Contributing solutions and medicinal products from herbal ingredients to the community has always been the guideline for all research and production activities of SAGOPHA during 40 years of establishment and development.
SAGOPHA’s products include drugs from medicinal herbs, functional foods and drugs from chemical and pharmaceutical materials. SAGOPHA’s key and strategic product lines are drugs from medicinal herbs, drugs extracted from herbs and prepared according to modern technology.
Safety + Reliable quality + Ease of use + Reasonable price are the highlights and differentiators of our products.
Taking care of your health with herbs is SAGOPHA’s passion for research and development.
Health. Herbal. Passion. (Health. Herbalism. Passion.)